How To Factor Your Commute Time In Your Home Buying Decision
When looking for that perfect home, many factors should be put into consideration. There’s price, accessibility, proximity to a great school district, lower taxes, and others. However, if you’re working in an office, convenience and accessibility are two of the most critical factors you must ...
Top 5 Home Buying Tips For Single Parents
If you’re a single parent, you may feel burdened with all the responsibilities on your plate, and you might think that with one income, it’s impossible for you and your family to have a house of your own. Well - it may be tough, but it’s definitely not impossible. There are several proactive ...
Millennials, Don't Make These 7 Mistakes When Buying Your First Home
Buying your first home while in your 20s? Congratulations! This is a very scary and exciting time for you, but you're almost there. The keys to your new home will be in your hands very soon. But for now, take a moment to step back and find out if you're doing any of these common mistakes ...
7 Reasons Why FSBOs (For-Sale-by-Owner) Don't Actually Work
For-Sale-by-Owner, more commonly known as FSBO (pronounced “fizbo”), is used to describe a homeowner who is selling their property without the help or representation of a real estate agent. This kind of transaction is commonly seen in the seller’s market. The most common reason why homeowners ...
9 Biggest Mortgage Mistakes Buyers Make
The home buying process is an intricate maze full of both success stories and pitfalls. What’s especially difficult is figuring out its financing part. When dealing with a mortgage, you couldn’t be too complacent and not invest your time and negotiate properly for the best one that suits you. ...
How To Find Your Right Home (A Quick Guide To Making That Big Decision)
For first-time homebuyers, acquiring your dream home may not be as simple as saying that you want a “two-story house with a garage in a quiet neighborhood.” Clearly, there’s so much more to a home than that. You should not be restricted to the price either since it is only part of the bigger ...
Sell Your House Fast: 10 Cheap Home Improvement Tips
You might be dreading the idea of improving your home because it might cost you a fortune. Don’t fret! This list will enlighten you that simple and easy measures which you can do yourself will make a big (and positive!) difference in your home. You can ask your agent how to stage your home ...
How Much Does It Cost To Sell A Home?
You may get the idea that selling your house would mean reaping lots of cash, but it is good to be reminded of the costs that you still have to settle as a seller before you start making plans on what to do with your estimated profit. Several factors can affect the cost of selling your home. ...
7 Savvy Tips For Selling your Luxury Home
Selling your luxury home means selling one of your most important investments. The task may be more difficult and daunting than selling a mid-priced home, especially since luxury home buyers have a specific taste for high-end homes that will greatly suit their lifestyle. That’s why it is ...
6 Savvy Tips For Selling your Luxury Home
Selling your luxury home means selling one of your most important investments. The task may be more difficult and daunting than selling a mid-priced home, especially since luxury home buyers have a specific taste for high-end homes that will greatly suit their lifestyle. That's why it is ...
6 Savvy Tips For Selling your Luxury Home
Selling your luxury home means selling one of your most important investments. The task may be more difficult and daunting than selling a mid-priced home, especially since luxury home buyers have a specific taste for high-end homes that will greatly suit their lifestyle. That's why it is ...
Top 5 Things A Great Real Estate Agent Will Do For Home Buyers
According to NAR, 87% of homebuyers still choose to hire realtors. You might think that not hiring an agent will save you money, but being your own agent can actually cost you more in the long run. Also keep in mind that time is a resource, too. Hiring an agent can save you lots of time and ...
5 Most Common Home Buyer Fears And How To Overcome Them
A home is possibly the largest purchase you’ll ever make, and it’s normal to overthink even the smallest details in the process – especially if it’s your first time to invest in real estate. A lot of cash is at stake, and you want to make sure that you’re getting the best deal for every ...
5 Tips For Finding The Perfect Vacation Home
Life in the city can be too stifling sometimes – there are plenty of spaces for bustling enjoyment but not much for tranquil relaxation, plus there could be too many people and not much community. You know that it would do you and your family so much good if you could escape from the city when ...
10 Things You Need To Know Before Buying A House Remotely
There are several reasons why you are looking at a property outside of your state – you want or need to relocate, you want a vacation home, you’re looking for an investment, or you’re buying for children. As you might know, buying a house isn’t really an easy task, and maybe even more so if ...
An Expert Guide On Buying A House You Can Actually Afford
Purchasing your first home can be the largest financial decision of your life, but it can also be an exciting financial milestone. However, while a trusted realtor will offer you invaluable advice, you will still need to do a lot of work to have a good sense of a realistic budget. Only you can ...
5 Ways To Be A Wise Home Buyer By Balancing Logic And Emotion
Buying a home is a big decision that could both be exciting as it is daunting. There would definitely be a lot of emotions involved in every scenario – whether you’re moving from an old house with your family, or making your first buy and just starting to build your own family, your emotions ...

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